Nuestras Voces© for not-for-profit or community groups

A touching award-winning documentary of stories of strength and resilience.

For not-for-profit or community groups, the price for a private screening is AU$300. The income generated from the documentary sales allows us to continue supporting Latin Americans in need in Australia.

Synopsis: What brought them to Australia? What was life like for them when they came?  Who are they now? Around the world, there are over 270 million immigrants, more than ever before. However, the benefits of migration have been questioned by some. Through the testimonials of a group of Spanish-speaking migrants who arrived in Victoria, Australia between the 60s and the 80s, we embark on an emotional journey to understand the challenges and joys of their stories, showcasing their contribution to the social and cultural fabric of multicultural Australia.

Nuestras Voces is a powerful reflection of hope, joy and resilience of inspiring migration stories.  Their stories are relatable to any migrant regardless of their background and journey. 

Technical details: 

Duration: 88 min

Genre: Documentary

Produced: 2021 Victoria, Australia

Project idea and Producer: Latin Stories Australia

Director: Diana Páez

Ages: 15+

Language: Spanish with English subtitles

If you are interested in organising a screening of this insightful documentary in your community, please contact us at

Read more about how this film was made.

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