Juntos contigo: Apoyándonos

We are living some unprecedented times which have tested our resilience and have limited our opportunities to fully participate into the Australian way of life.

Latin Stories Australia has developed this project to support our Spanish speaking community during these challenging times.


It is about connecting with your resilience, sense of belonging, and empowerment.

The project consists of:

(1) a FREE ONLINE AND INTERACTIVE WORKSHOPS IN SPANISH covering the topics of empowerment, inclusion, isolation, sense of belonging and resilience. We will explore practical skills and ideas to feel included and build resilience in times of crisis. We will also provide you with useful information you can read later.

(2) After participating in the workshop, you will have opportunity to attend TWO SUPPORT GROUP SESSIONS run by Momentum Psychology. This support groups are to continue the conversations from the workshops and to network with like minded individuals.



The online workshop will be delivered on four different dates and times so that you can attend when is most suitable to you.

Choose the date that is more suitable to you!

The support groups will be delivered face-to-face.


get involved!

Register by clicking on the button below


This project is delivered in partnership with Momentum Psychology and Wellbeing Services

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Supported by

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@Latin Stories Australia
